Bahia Principe consigue el sello "Health and Safety" en Prevención Covid-19

Bahia Principe has been recognized with the international “Health and Safety” seal on Prevention of Covid-19, which accredits its hotels in Spain, Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica as safe establishments from a sanitary-hygienic point of view.

Through this seal issued by the international health consulting firm HS Consulting, Bahia Principe guarantees the prevention protocols of COVID-19 in all its destinations in compliance with Health and Safety current international regulations in each country in which the group has a presence.
Action Protocols
We have evolved our safety and hygiene protocols with an integral vision and faithful to our strategy, taking a series of measures that guarantee health and well-being based on 4 principles of action.
Their primary objective is to provide value in every interaction with customers, suppliers and between employees.
1.- Ensuring healthy and sustainable settings
2.- Ensuring people’s health
3.- Guaranteeing safe and responsible services with careful and personalized attention
4.- Fostering a digitalized and adapted experience
A Responsible Management Model
Our responsible management model commits us to the main international reference frameworks promoted by the United Nations as they are an essential engine for sustainable development and human prosperity.
We believe that in order for companies to be able to participate in an active and committed way, they have to focus on people and the environment. It is necessary to create a link between nature, health and business.
For us, the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, contained in its 2030 Agenda, have become a guide, a veritable roadmap for identifying and achieving our strategic goals.
Health and Wellbeing
Health and well-being are now more important than ever. Therefore, ensuring people’s health (employees, customers, suppliers and local community) and the health of the environment of the destinations where we operate are two basic pillars on which we have been working throughout these years and on which we will continue to focus in the medium and long term.
In the Health & Safety area we have counted on the collaboration of HS Consulting to reinforce the standards of the company to the new post Covid-19 hygienic/sanitary needs that comply with the regulations of each of the countries where we operate, the recommendations of the WHO and the protocols of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) and the Institute for Spanish Tourist Quality (ICTE), and to continue contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Committed to Responsible and Sustainable Tourism
At Bahia Principe Hotels & Resorts we already have been granted prestigious international seals in the area of sustainability: Travelife Gold Certification and Earth Check which demonstrate our commitment to responsible and sustainable tourism; and Health & Safety certificates issued by HS Consulting, an international consulting firm specializing in the tourism industry.
You can consult the details of the protocols at the following link:

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