Our network of HSLAB laboratories:
Spain, Dominican Republic and Mexico.

ISO 9001/2015 Standard-certified as Quality Management System. HSLAB carries out the most innovative microorganism detection techniques (Food, Water, Surfaces). We aim to protect establishments and to set a dynamic Incidence Management System, providing analysis results in record time.
With modern facilities and using the latest technology, HSLAB is our laboratory at our customers’ disposal. All required microbiological determinations are performed to comply with Operators and Health Authorities’ regulations and requirements, in terms of Food Safety, Pool Hygiene, Legionellosis Prevention, and Drinking Water analysis.
- Food Analysis
- Surface and Food Handler Analysis
- Pool, Spa and Jacuzzi Water Analysis
- Drinking Water Analysis
- Legionella pneumophila Determination Analysis
HS Lab responds to the need of tourist establishments to offer an excellent hygienic-sanitary service as well as in general security matters. We comply with the current regulatory framework, as well as with customers’ and tour operators’ requirements that establish demanding standards with the aim to guarantee safety and health.
HS Consulting’s multidisciplinary group is the result of joining highly qualified Health Sciences and Engineering professionals with vast experience in advising, auditing and training in the field of Hygienic – Sanitary consulting.
HSLAB is HS Consulting’s laboratory for Environmental Health, Water Hygiene & Quality, and Food Safety. It is equipped with the latest technology, resulting in fast sample treatment and analysis. Validation and detection both become rapid, with the corresponding warnings when necessary.
HSLAB sets a quality policy that aims for swiftness, customer satisfaction, and adapting our processes to their needs and requirements.
In HSLAB, Quality is based on the next principles:
- Adapting our analytical services to our client’s requirements, thus offering a customized service.
- Having the most modern technology in terms of equipment and analytical techniques, delivering reliable results in a short time.
- Making the most modern applications available to our clients, guaranteeing immediate communication and result checking.
- Having highly qualified Staff to guarantee the best service.
- Committing ourselves to Food Safety and our customers’ legal requirements.
The HSLAB Management is the main responsible when ensuring compliance with this Quality Policy, concerning the activities in the scope of our Quality Management System and within the framework of efficiency and continuous improvement.
This policy serves as a reference to establish and check quality goals. Its review and communication provide Staff members with the right knowledge and ensure compliance.

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