When it comes to hygiene and safety, food-related incidents are the most frequent, hence the importance of controlling the entire process.
The process ranges from the time before these food products enter the establishment (supplier selection process based on certification criteria according to hygienic requirements, staff training, kitchen infrastructure, work procedures, documentation), until after their consumption (traceability procedures or improvement through the analysis of the system’s verification activities are still in place).
Verification activities and controls belong to the self-control system, starting from food sampling and surface analytics.
How long have you been eating horse meat?
The horsemeat scandal set off alarm bells on January 15. The trigger was the announcement by the Irish Food Sa...
Avocado: a healthy fat
A few days ago, during a dinner, one of the diners commented that he loved avocado, a pity that it is &...
Avoid the 3 most frequent bacterial foodborne diseases
Foodborne diseases are caused by food containing pathogenic microorganisms. It is estimated that there are app...